Suicide Crisis : Crisis Care Concordat

Suicide Crisis is featured on the national Mental Health Crisis Care Concordat website under “Quality Of Care And Treatment In A Crisis” (“Suicide Crisis: Innovative Crisis Care”).

You can click on the link “Get Inspired” to find us on their website.

The link to the website is below  :-

BBC Radio Gloucestershire

Massive thanks to Nigel, who attends our trauma group. He was interviewed on BBC Radio Gloucestershire on Saturday 27th September, along with Justin, the psychological therapist who leads the group. Nigel talked about the impact of trauma symptoms, and explained how the trauma group has helped him. Thanks also to Claire and Manpreet of BBC Radio Gloucestershire for interviewing us.

Nigel comes in at 1 hour 38 mins and 2 hours 38 mins in the recording. The link to the BBC programme is below:-

Radio Interview

We will be talking about the trauma services that Suicide Crisis provides on BBC Radio Gloucestershire tomorrow morning, Saturday 27th September. Justin (who leads the trauma group) will be interviewed live at 8.40am, along with one of our trauma group members. Joy will be interviewed at 7.30am by phone about the reasons why we have a Trauma Centre, in addition to our Suicide Crisis Centre.


A very warm welcome to Kate, a psychologist, who will be offering support to clients within our Trauma Centre.  Kate is pictured below. And a special welcome to Hilary, who joined us last week. Hilary is a very experienced bereavement counsellor, and she will be supporting suicidal clients. Hilary is also planning to be one of our clinical supervisors, as she has experience in this area. She will join Vivien and Edison in providing clinical supervision for our team.  We are extremely fortunate to have them with us.

k hill

Trauma Group

Justin facilitates our new trauma group. He came along to our PTSD group several times last year to give talks on PTSD. He’s a psychological therapist who works within the NHS. Our PTSD group members liked him – so we asked him to join us. Justin is now one of our volunteers, along with Kate, a psychologist, who also supports the trauma group. Our thanks to Justin and Kate for all they are doing to support clients within our Trauma Centre.

Justin Photo Suicide Crisis



Congratulations, Janie

Many congratulations, Janie, on becoming a fully qualified counsellor this summer. We are so grateful for the excellent support that you are giving to our clients, and the fact that you have done so much, outside your actual sessions with clients, to help with their recovery, including accompanying them to courses for survivors of domestic violence. Both you and Jo (below) have done exceptional work, which we know our clients appreciate, because they frequently tell us. You are both making a significant difference. Much love and thanks to you both.

Janie Most Close Up


Congratulations Jo

Many congratulations, Jo, on recently becoming a fully qualified counsellor. Jo is one of our team members who supports clients who are suicidal. All our team members are now qualified counsellors. They have additional training in suicide intervention skills and other training for their role. But it’s their personal qualities that are most important. Your care and concern for your clients has always been very apparent, Jo. And you have done additional voluntary work for us, including supporting our clients as they undertake study courses. Much love and thanks for all that you are contributing to our work.

Jo Photo Suicide Crisis

Our Volunteers

Jen and Amita taking a well-earned break in the sunshine. Amita and Jen volunteered at our recent Suicide Crisis event, welcoming and looking after our guests. They did a wonderful job and contributed significantly to the success of the event.

Jen and Amita Suicide Crisis Volunteers




Our Volunteers

We are massively grateful to our volunteers for everything that they contribute to the work of Suicide Crisis. We have an exceptional team of dedicated, caring individuals who are supporting our clients. A significant number of our clients have said they have found it difficult to engage with other services in the past – but they are engaging with our team.This is partly because we work differently from other services – our approach is different. But a huge factor is the skill and personal qualities of our team members.

Rupi Janie Terry Caron SC Award